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Writer's pictureFaith B


Did anyone else’s summer fly by?!? Honestly, the last 4 years have really flown by! We have had three babies and moved to LA (while pregnant with our second) and life is not slowing down any time soon. In all of the craziness, I'm honestly thankful for the changes and especially that LA is feeling more and more like our second home. We try to split time between Houston and LA but being in LA most of the year made us decide it was time to enroll our oldest two in school.

Choosing a school was honestly one of the hardest things I’ve done for the kids. We wanted to make sure that the school was first and foremost SAFE! I have worked hard to get these kids into the world and keeping them safe is always my number one priority. We also wanted a place that had a good curriculum and taught the great personal principles that mirror the ones we teach the kids at home.

We knew every school would different and no choice is totally perfect so Michael and I made a list of things we both wanted. We rated each school and were able to see that the one we chose may not have had everything but it had most things that were most important to us. We chose a Christian private school and I’m so thankful we did. Not only are they getting a great foundation in education but they are also learning the Christian core values that are most important to us.

When it came time to actually start, I’m really glad MaKael and Makhi had already been in a form of school in Houston so they could at least anticipate what to expect. However, this is when I saw how different my kids are. MaKaela needed more coaching and patience before school became a consistent routine. Usually, I read her some books about the first day of school and checked in with her about seeing her friends or being excited. Makhi was able to jump right in and loved it immediately.

Most kids have to start school alone, but because they are only 14 months apart, they are able to go together. I’m sure Makhi would have had fun at home without his sister but Makaela does much better knowing her brother is with her. The transition to the classrooms, once we get up and are there by 8am, has been very smooth. The timing has been hard but we are all finally used to it.

I honestly can’t believe they are so old already. They are progressing well, know their alphabets and can count to 10 in English and in Spanish. I love that they come home every day saying they learned about Jesus. It is so sweet to see them start to process the higher being that loves and protects them.

While it is hard knowing they are getting to be so independent, I never imagined how fast time would really go. I’m thankful that MaKael is still at home with me for at least a couple more years. I won’t start him in school until 3 so right now we have a little more quiet while the older ones are in school. When they are all home it is a LOT of noise and sometimes I can’t even hear myself think. I try to be as productive as I can by having one-on-one time with Makael, workout with my Peloton bike and get some work done for Senior Helpers (my business based in Houston).

As much as I try to get done while they are in school, I still can't wait to pick them up when the day is over.

Tell me in the comments, ladies, how did your kids adjust to school? Who cried more you or the kids?


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