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  • Writer's pictureFaith B


While the season is a very busy time for my family being back in LA, it is also an amazing time to work with the girls at our local Boys and Girls Club. We have partnered with them on two of our Brockers Youth Foundation (BYF) initiatives and one is very close to my heart.

When we started the BYF, we knew we wanted to host a camp so kids could have access to amazing and FREE sports instruction we didn't get as children. However, I knew I wanted to do more. I wanted to instill in the next generation of female leaders that they can do anything and be anything but they must work hard and they must have a vision.

I started by telling the girls how hard I worked towards being a broadcast journalist but did not achieve that dream. I know that I learned so much along the way and while the dream may have changed, the lessons along the way are well worth it.

I listened to their goals and we talked about the steps they can take to achieve them. We then looked through magazines to find everything that represented their goals and the steps.

The best part of this day was talking to the girls in smaller groups. They don't always speak up when we are in a large group but in smaller groups, they will tell you EVERYTHING!

I am so thankful that I am able to inspire these girls in a small way and look forward to working with more organizations to bring this program to them!

If you would like to work with me on this, please click the contact tab!


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